
Classic creations enriched by the best natural stones with original cuts and bright, bright colors are the true protagonists of the Capri collection designed to evoke travel, relaxed atmospheres and natural geometries. The triumph of yellow gold, sinuously combined with the best natural stones, for jewels that embody all the nuances of the fascinating spectacle of Nature. A dive into the variegated Mediterranean Spirit.
A tribute to timeless style and to the icons of Italian elegance: the Creta collection contains all the charm of history, projected into the future thanks to the careful manufacturing of bracelets with coins, chevalier rings and coordinated bijoux. A dive into the past, with a modern charm.

Graduated dimensions and showy shapes characterize the Elba collection, designed to pay homage to femininity through satin surfaces that recall the softness of velvet. Prestigious, delicately luminous: the yellow gold plated finish creates magical atmospheres of elegance. A caress to the touch for jewels with a contemporary and refined taste, which adapts perfectly to your femininity.
Original finish, essential design and sinuous, delicately hammered surface are the key to the Itaca collection, designed to enhance the brightness of yellow gold. The jewels of the Itaca collection recall the unmistakable reflection of light in the sun on the waves of the Mediterranean. Precious that combine modern design and timeless charm.

Art, design and fine manufacturing come together to give life to the Paros collection which celebrates antiquity through the mosaic and the meander, taking up their shapes and colours. A centuries-old tradition, which has its roots in the Italian craftsmanship of civilizations that have now disappeared. Etrusca Gioielli celebrates timeless beauty with the Paros collection.

Live, minimalist, fresh: the Rosari collection is designed to awaken joy with multicolored chains. Patterns chosen to be mixed and to best express all the facets of your personality. Jewels for a sparkling and trendy look.
Finely perforated, satin and hammered surfaces meet semi-precious stones with soap bar or cabochon cuts, the protagonists of the Vulcano collection, designed to celebrate the harmony between yellow gold and luminous gems. In the Vulcano collection, the combination of precious materials and colors paints an elegance made of simplicity and excellence.

Le cinque collezioni Etrusca Gioielli esprimono un mondo di texture e ispirazioni, passando dagli specchi Mirage alle superfici matte di Velvet, con un richiamo al valore dell’eleganza con Moneta e le coloratissime creazioni con pietre dure Cruise e Delight. Da indossare, abbinare e regalare.

Turchese, labradorite ma anche agata, quarzi e apatite: il trionfo del gioiello pietre dure per una collezione che evoca viaggi, atmosfere distese e geometrie naturali. Creazioni placcate oro giallo con tutto il fascino del migliore spettacolo di Natura.
Vivace, minimalista, fresca: la collezione gioielli Delight é pensata per risvegliare allegria con charm multicolore, catene e pietre dure, Cubic Zirconia e fantasie scelte per essere mixate, abbinate e perfette per un regalo. Bijoux placcati oro per un tocco vivace ai tuoi look.

Gioielli placcati oro 18K con pietre dure e perle d'acqua dolce, caratterizzati da finitura Mirage: superficie sinuosa e luminosa, delicatamente martellata, ricorda il riverbero del mare e le dune del Mediterraneo.
Un omaggio allo stile senza tempo e alle icone dell'eleganza Italiana: la collezione gioielli Moneta racchiude tutto il fascino della storia, proiettato nel futuro grazie alla manifattura attenta di bracciali con monete, anelli chevalier e bijoux coordinati. Un accessorio sempre perfetto, placcato oro giallo 18K.

Prestigiosa, morbida, luminosa la finitura placcata oro giallo 18K dei bijoux Velvet con mano matte e satinata regala atmosfere magiche di eleganza. Una carezza al tatto per gioielli placcati oro giallo dal gusto contemporaneo e raffinato.